Now it is clear for everyone that our country has been sunk in huge crises of insecurity, bullying, hunger and adversity, law breaking and injustice, crime and corruption on its unprecedented form. One of the main factors for all of this chaos is the presence of those people in power who are culprits of war crimes. Instead of law and justice being enforced on them, their past actions have been ignored and they have been installed on high official posts and have been left free to commit any crime, robbery and corruption.
Unfortunately, some of these tested and visible people were even the candidate of the recent election and no source tried to stop them from the entering the election and changed the election of Afghanistan into the most non-prestigious and ironic elections of the world and hammered the last nail into the coffin of political corpse of democracy.
Our people have gone into nightmare of unbelieving and have realized that the behavior of the government, that has emerged out of such bogus elections, on justice and implementation of law will be of no difference with the past and the culture of impunity of criminals and human rights violators will be still in power. The government will be still administered in mafia style and Afghanistan will stay the dark spot of narcotics. Still the innocent and oppressed people will be the victims of American air and ground attacks and still the criminals will have the fate of people in their hand and naturally our agonized and hostage people will never live in prosperity and welfare. Especially after the increase foreign troops, this crisis will take new grand dimension. All of these dirty political games played in Afghanistan by so called “International Community” and their puppets, have changed the hope of our people for better future into despair.
While we are celebrating the International Human Rights Day, one can see clearly that “Human Rights” and especially “Woman Rights” is a victim of toy of war monger countries’ policies and has been misused as gagger slogans.
Once again we state our fundamental demands as following:
1- We want the urgent removal of all criminals of period of Khaliqi and Parchami’s sovereignty, period of fascist Jehadi factions’ sovereignty, wild and terror era of Taliban and the period after that until now, from their governmental posts.
2- We want the prosecution of all war culprits of all periods in a competent and impartial national and international court.
3- We want urgent halt of civilian’s massacre by American and NATO forces and their war crime must be tried in international court.
4- We want the discovery of all undiscovered mass graves of all crime’s period.
5- We strongly condemn the naming of buildings and streets in the name of criminals and call it an insult and disgrace to the blood of our innocent martyrs.
6- We request to have a memorial monument in the name of our missing unknown dears and a quarter should be allocated so the corpses of mass graves buried there honorably and respectfully.
7- We ask all our compatriots in all over Afghanistan, who have lost their children, brothers and sisters, relatives and dear ones in last thirty years, to contact and inform us about the condition of martyrdom and disappearance of their loved ones and participate in our struggle for prosecution all perpetrators of last thirty years of atrocities.
8- Let's unite to make our voice louder and dominant!
Social Association of Afghan Justice Seekers (SAAJS)
10th December 2009
Contact No.: +93 (0) 707 80 35 60
Postaم Address: P.O.Box No. 980, Central Post Office, Kabul, Afghanistan.
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